Keep Your Mouth Healthy With Professional Cleanings and Exams

Are you in need of a dental cleaning? Well, look no further. Your Port Orange, FL, dentist, Dr. Jeff Kim, can help you.professional teeth cleanings

An unhealthy oral regimen can break down enamel allowing cavities to form. Cavities are formed when a person eats sugary foods and doesn't brush or floss. The result is the accumulation of plaque, which contains an acid-producing bacteria that breaks down the enamel, the protective layer covering your teeth. This exposes the sensitive layers of the tooth and allows bacteria to infect the pulp, which may lead to tooth loss.

Preventative Treatments:

If you want to prevent any of these procedures, then you need to visit your doctor every six months for a regular dental cleaning.

Your Port Orange dentist will examine your teeth, diagnose any disease you may have, such as gum disease, then your dentist will perform a regular cleaning. If there's gum disease, then your doctor will deep clean your teeth to help resolve the issue.

Here a some procedures you may need to consider depending on the severity of your cavities:

  • Root Canals: If your tooth develops an infection and the pulp of the tooth is infected, you may experience severe pain. The only way to treat this issue is for your doctor to clean out the canal and seal it.
  • Dental Implants: If cavities have deteriorated your tooth, a dental implant may help you. Dental implants consist of replacing the tooth root with a titanium post and placing an abutment and crown on top. This will strengthen your teeth and improve the appearance of your smile.
  • Sealants: Your dentist will clean and dry your tooth, then apply an acid gel on the surface of the tooth, the chewing surface will become rougher. Your doctor will then remove the gel, dry the tooth and apply sealant onto the grooves and expose it to a special blue light to make the sealant hard. This will prevent bacteria from entering grooves and cracks in your teeth and deteriorating your teeth.

If you have any questions and/or concerns or would simply like to ask a question about dental cleaning, just call your Port Orange, FL, dentist today!