Benefits of a Deep Cleaning

When food particles remain on your teeth for a while plaque forms on your teeth and can develop into tartar if not removed daily. Plaque and tartar buildup cause gum inflammation and eventually lead to gum disease. Deep cleaning from your dentist, Dr. Jeff Kim of Ultimate Dental Studio in Port Orange, FL, helps prevent and treat gum disease.

Deep Cleaning

Deep cleaning, known also as scaling and root planing, is a dental procedure where your dentist cleans up plaque and tartar buildup on your teeth. Gum disease typically begins as gum inflammation that progresses to advanced periodontal disease that can cause tooth loss. Your dentist cleans the bacteria and tartar buildup on your teeth and the edges of the gum line. This procedure is necessary when you have significant plaque or tartar buildup and deep gum pockets.

Benefits of a Deep Cleaning

Dental deep cleaning is an effective treatment that halts gum disease in its tracts. That means that it can help take away your unpleasant gum disease symptoms in Port Orange, FL. Benefits of getting a deep cleaning from your dentist include:

  • Prevents tooth loss
  • Treats gum disease
  • Protects your gums
  • Reduces bad breath

Deep Cleaning Procedure

Dental deep cleaning goes above and beyond the scope of your routine dental cleaning. Just like during your routine dental appointment, your dentist cleans your teeth thoroughly above your gumline. However, your dentist also goes below your gum line to clean up the buildup around your tooth roots.

After cleaning your teeth, your dentist will irrigate the affected area with antibiotics. This treatment allows your gums to heal and reattach to your teeth. You might experience some inflammation and tooth sensitivity after your procedure. However, this should go away in a few days. A follow-up visit to your dentist allows them to assess the success of your treatment.

Getting a dental deep cleaning from your dentist may be necessary to treat your gum disease. Call (386) 322-4867 to schedule a consultation with your dentist, Dr. Kim of Ultimate Dental Studio for gum disease treatment in Port Orange, FL.